Frederick Soulacroix (1858 1933) Ernesto Cortazar, Nights Of Silk And Tears
Thank you everyone for watching and for comments All the best The son of the well known painter and sculptor Charles (Montpellier, 1825Firenze, 1899) and of Giacinta Diofebo, Charles Joseph Frédéric Soulacroix (18581933) lived until spring 1863 in Rome and later in BoulognesurMer (where his father Charles was painting the frescoes of the local cathedral), in Paris and, since 1870, in Italy in Firenze. In 1873, at 15, Frédéric enters the Accademia di Belle Arti of Firenze and in Octobre 1876 is admitted to the Scuola di Pittura. 1890: June the 6th, he marries in Florence Julie Fernande Blanc. They live in Piazza Donatello, 21 in a charming house with rear garden they acquire. Firenze sees the birth of four boys: Olivier, George, Gabriel and a girl, Amélie Florence. Music: Ernesto Cortazar Nights Of Silk And Tears (Concerto)