Manifest Miracles Beautiful Relaxing Music For Psychological Change Meditation Music
Manifest Miracles meditation is intended to help guide you into a meditative experience that will motivate you to take action and change your life for the better. Modern life is distracting, and it can be difficult to prioritize what and who is most important to you. When you actively take care of yourself and get your life in order, you can then afford to care for others. This video also helps to induce delta brainwaves. Delta waves are the slowest of all and are defined as having a pulse modulation frequency range between 04 Hz. We experience these brainwaves naturally when we are in the deepest of sleep or meditative states. These brainwaves send signals throughout the body to stimulate regeneration, and healthy neurochemistry and as a result are vital in the maintenance of health and psychological wellbeing. Please take the time to properly adjust your volume to a low and comfortable level. For optimal results, you should listen to this while resting with your eyes closed. Headphones are recommended