Foreskin Decapitation Volume Whore ( Full Album Stream)
0:00 Pizza Prostitute 0:37 Violent Anal Discharge 1:34 EGirl Bath Water Baptism 1:48 Cock And Ball Torture Mechanism 3:02 Pyramid Fucker 4:36 Cannibalized By A Pack Of Weebs 5:44 Robot Sex Dungeon 7:26 No Anders, I Won t Peg You To Lana Del Rey 8:20 That Old Lady Sent Everyone Smells Just Before Death 8:58 Snail Smokes PCP And Fights Cops 9:43 Siri Where The Pizza At (feat. Matt O Neil) After years of being an internet band, we ve come to the conclusion that programmed drums sound like butt and real drums are sick, it s time to get a real drummer. We originally hired Bage Seegar (of The Veily Ken) to record drums for us, but as soon as he found out we were only gonna pay him with finger hash he gave us the finger and blocked all of us. At that point we had no choice but to hold Anders at knifepoint threatening to remove his foreskin if he didnt learn how to blast beat and record drums for us. We rerecorded 9 of our favorite songs and wrote 2 more to bring you our heaviest, filt