War Horse, Jamie, Nicholls it will set you free
WHERE DO I PUT ALL THESE FEELINGS I CAN T HOLD ANY LONGER I HATE THIS MOVIE SO MUCH. WHY. AAAAAAAAAAH. TORTURE. PURE TORTURE WHY NOT BECOME ATTACHED TO CHARACTERS AND THEN SEE THEM DIE PAINFULLY oh, by the way there might be spoilers in what I just said. .. and if you haven t seen the movie yet which I strongly recommend you do RIGHT NOW then you probably shouldn t watch this video. .. but on the other hand side IT DOESN T MATTER because the title is a huge give away itself. War Horse, indicating 1) it s during the war 2) it s about a horse which means 1) EVERYBODY WILL DIE 2) YOU SHOULDN T CARE BECAUSE IT S ABOUT THE HORSE. WELL GUESS WHAT, SPIELBERG, I FUCKING CARE I CARE WHEN THIS PLOT IS RIPPING MY HEART OUT AND EXCUSE ME FOR CARING ABOUT BENEDICT AND HIDDLES BECAUSE ASDFGHJKLJHGFDSASDGHJ I mean I care about the horse, I CARED ABOUT THE HORSE 5358092994 TEARDRO br, br,