In The End Linkin Park. 266 musicians from 35 countries, Quarantine Mob Rocknmob
Please SUPPORT the project on help us come to YOUR city You can also buy our merch on The official video for the song In The End by Linkin Park, performed during our, QuarantineMob. Planet Earth. May 525, 2020. 266 musicians from 35 countries. 2020 brought us a lot of challenges but they couldn t stop us from rocknmobing This time 266 musicians, 35 countries and almost every continent (except Antarctica that s a shame ) united to perform one of Linkin Park signature songs In the End. All the musicians recorded more than 300 videos during quarantine in their countries to help us organize first ever international rocknmob HUGE thanks to Petr Sterlikov for making this video and Dmitry Pervushin for sound production Just to give you an idea about how much work had to be done: short overview of the video pr