Страдания Закончились, Мандала для ДУШИ и ТЕЛА, Освобождает от БОЛИ и ОТЧАЯНИЯ
Spend only 8 minutes of your time and get rid of pain, resentment and fears In this video session, a strong highly effective combined technique of influencing consciousness and deep settings of the body s work is used. This stress relief video program will help you calm your nerves and relieve tension, which even after the disappearance of a stressful situation, we often continue to hold in our body. She will delicately help to notice and release negative tension, relieve anxiety and calm down. A video session with the use of ancient symbols, cleansing mandala and cosmoenergetic music promotes relaxation and calming. After the first full listening, there will be a release from pain and despair And after just 5 full daily auditions, it will completely clear your mind of fears and resentments, relieve stress and depression Try listening to this video session before going to bed. Thanks to this, it will be much easier to fall asleep. The body is relaxed after such practi