Turkey playing chicken with the West ( FULL SHOW)
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened to expel ten ambassadors from his country, seven of whom represent fellow member states of NATO. The move stems from the ambassadors signing onto an open letter urging the release of a Turkish businessman associated with the political opposition. Erdogan reversed his decision at the last minute when the gesture s economic repercussions became clear. This comes as friction steadily intensifies between Turkey and the EU over Erdogan s human rights record and disagreements between Turkey and its NATO bedfellows over Turkey s desire to buy and use military equipment from Russia without giving up USmade F35s. Former Pentagon official Michael Maloof provides his analysis, placing the move in the broader context of Erdogan s drive to assert Turkish hegemony in the region and Turkey s resistance to falling in line with either Russia s or Washington s geopolitical ambitions. Police acted to rein in antiimmigrant gang on the borde