Ислам в Африке 2021 г. Global Spread of the Fayda Tijāniyya I. Гарвард
The Harvard Islam in Africa Initiative hosted its fifth annual conference on the theme, The Fayḍa Tijāniyya Sufi Community in the TwentyFirst Century: A Major Articulation of Global Islam. The conference was convened by Ousmane Kane, Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Professor of Contemporary Islamic Religion and Society, Professor of African and African American Studies (FAS). Panel 4: Global Spread of the Fayda Tijāniyya I The Metamorphosis of Leadership in the Faydah of Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse Cheikh Abdoulaye Niang, UCAD Introduction and Expansion of the Tijāniyya in South Asia with Special Reference to Kerala Suhail Chitrath, Tijānī zāwiya of Kerala The Sun Rises in the African West: New York Citys Black American Tijānī Spiritual Seekers Rasul Miller, University of California Irvine