小久保 隆 Takashi Kokubo Healing Music Bird ( Full Album)
Album title: Kokubo Takashi no iyashino ongaku: Tori ( Healing music by Takashi Kokubo: Bird ) Song titles: 1. Daichi no kokyū II ( Breath of the earth II ) 2. Kono michi ( This way ) 3. Nettaiurin no yoake ( Daybreak of the tropical rainforest ) 4. Haru no ogawa ( Spring brook ) 5. Tori no shi Mori no yoake ( Bird poem Daybreak of the forest ) 6. Yume ( Dream ) 7. Finlandia 8. Tori no shi Yūsuzumi ( Bird poem Cool of the evening ) 9. Ōkina sora ( Big sky )