Suisei Touched Noels Boobs Looked At Her Own Boobs Which Made Her Go , Eng Sub
Suisei met Noel during recording and touched her boobs which makes her look at her own boobs and go Source: Hoshimachi Suisei Suisei Channel Sakura Miko Miko Ch. さくらみこ Shirogane Noel Noel Ch. 白銀ノエル Thumbnail Art: About me: I just started learning Japanese and made this channel out of my hobby of watching VTubers. Goal: To ruin more lives. , Recruit more simps and make VTubers more popular in the English community. If you decide to watch the stream, please follow these rules to help everyone enjoy the stream better: Be nice to other viewers. Dont spam or troll. If you see spam or trolling, dont respond. Just block, report, and ignore. Talk about the stream, but please dont bring