踊ってみた 2周年記念 Niconico Video sm38622786
Thank you for finding us It s Riina It s been two years since Lilitai was formed Rainy day solo video This is the second one lol The wind is strong and my bangs are over, but I ve done my best so I hope you ll see a lot Myris, please comment Also check this Release Time LIFE I danced 2nd Anniversary sm38622603 Dancing person: Riina (Twitter: rinarlti) Music head family: sm35074789 Choreographer: sm36438338 Editor: Sakuto Release TimeMember Aimisu (member color: blue) Twitter: aimisurt Sakuto (member color: purple) Twitter: rltisakuto Rina (member color: yellow) Twitter: rinarlti Iyu (member color: green) Twitter: IYUrlti Release Time Official Account Twitter: ReleaseTime3