Massive Russian Helicopters Destroyed by An Unexpected Event
With international tensions at an alltime high, a massive explosion has just shattered the tranquility of the Russian Naval Aviation air base in western Russia, a whopping 500 miles away from Ukraine. As the smoke clears and the extent of the damage becomes clear, the world holds its breath. Two helicopters were destroyed entirely, and two more were seriously damaged. Moreover, Russia has lost over 25 percent of its operational Ka52 helicopter fleet, leaving the nation vulnerable in its ongoing conflict with Ukraine. However, this was not a battle casualty as much as a direct, blunt attack into the heart of Russia that heavily maimed the Russian Air Force. As a piece of footage circulating social media seems to confirm, the devastating event was an act of sabotage Dark Footage showcases the most unbelievable photos and videos from history while telling the stories behind the camera. Featuring military, space, aircraft and reallife historic events caught on tape.