5 Things Devil May Cry 2 Did Right and 5 Things It Did Wrong
Welcome to today s video where I go through everyone s favorite punching bag Devil May Cry 2 going through 5 things it did right and 5 things it did wrong this is all my opinion Devil May Cry 2 did more than 5 things and it sure as heck did more than 5 things wrong but those were the things that I found. going back through playing this game I found that it wasn t as bad as people say it is there are a few things to like about DMC2 and let s be real if it wasn t for this title we wouldn t have gotten the styles in Devil May Cry 3 or multiple playable characters in later Devil May Cry Games so I hope that you enjoy this video and Happy Devil May Cry 2 Anniversary Videos used: Nam s Compendium Devil May Cry 2 Is The Worst: Slyfrik: