Game of Thrones Accent Tutorial The Lannisters
Game of Thrones Accents Speak Like a Lannister in this Game of Thrones Accent Tutorial Want to sound like your favourite character from Game of Thrones Watch Aly breakdown everyone s accent in South Westeros Let us know who your favourite character is in the comments and whose accent you want to copy next If you like the video, be awesome and share it Use the subtitles if you need them Don t forget to leave a comment I will try to reply to all of you amazing nerds Improve your English AND Support the channel: Get EXTRA English practice by joining this channel as a member OR Get EXTRA English practice by joining my Patreon page: OR Make a donation for however much you feel comfortable with: Improve your English Audiobooks for a 30 day trial: FREE STUFF FREE 32 AirBnB Credit: