PS2 BLACK ( L 5 TIVLIZ ASYLUM Manicomio di Tivliz) full ( ENG IT)
LEVEL 5 COMPLETE PLOT Black takes place in Eastern Europe, putting the player in the role of a black ops, a sergeant first class named Jake Kellar. Kellar tells most of the story in first person interrogation four days after the start of events. Kellar is an agent of a CIA Black Ops group, as well as a veteran of numerous military operations in many countries including Guatemala, Colombia, Iran and Croatia. An excellent soldier in the field, however, he is painted by his companion, Sergeant Solomon, as a hothead, always on top, a guy who doesn t know the meaning of collateral damage. The unknown interrogator, probably a CIA agent, asks him questions about an organization called the Seventh Wave, which is responsible for numerous bombings, arms dealing and other crimes. Sergeant Kellar is reluctant and at first refuses to answer questions, but the interrogator blackmails him: if he doesn t cooperate, his crimes and his excesses will be made public and h