The Lost Media Of Horror Games
Written by: Landen H64 Edited by: Purpledough Landen s channel Socials: IG Twt: prpledough In this video, we ll be going over some of the lost media prevalent in the world of horror games From unreleased titles to ones that have been scrubbed off the internet for good, here are our 10 picks for the most interesting titles that have been entered into the lost media category there is gameplay for Resident Evil 1. 5, however, it was extremely low quality, so it was instead swapped out for RE2 scenes. You can still find some of RE 1. 5 online though Time Stamps: Intro 00:00 01:46 Intro 2 01:47 02:37 RE 1. 5 02:38 06:07 RE 3. 5 06:08 11:04 inSANE 11:05 16:04 LOF 16:05 18:44 Agartha 18:45 21:24 SH: Cold Heart 21:25 26:14 PS3 x ITO 26:15 30:17 Asylum 626 30:18 33:09 Dead Unity 33:10 34:44 Sadness 34:35 39:49 Final Thoughts 39:50 57:30 Outro 57:31 58:13 Tags:, residentevil, silenthillps1, lostmedia, horrorgaming , agartha Videos Used