DF Retro: Play Station 3 The 1080p Dream Part 1 2006 2007 Full HD Gaming Tested On The Triple
In an era defined by subHD resolutions and challenging performance, the concept of PlayStation 3 delivering on its promised 1080p dream seems almost ridiculous. And it s true that only a tiny proportion of the library rendered at full HD. And yet, in this DF Retro Special, 88 games are tested and a majority of them target 60fps John Linneman is on top form here, presenting the lengthiest DF Retro yet in an epic journey covering four episodes. This is part one Many thanks to our retro backers on the DF Supporter Program for making content like this possible. Put simply, work like this, with this level of depth, would not be possible without you Join us at Subscribe for more Digital Foundry: Want some DFbranded teeshirts, mugs, hoodies or pullovers Check out our store: