Spider Man: The Animated Series (season 5, episode 9)
Arrival Release date: 110797 Plot: Madam Web brings SpiderMan to another dimension where he is brought before a being known as the Beyonder, who has chosen SpiderMan to be part of an experiment to see if good is more powerful than evil. He finds a paradise planet and introduces a band of villains to take it over (Doctor Octopus, Doctor Doom, Alistair Smythe, The Lizard, and the Red Skull), and it s up to SpiderMan to lead a team of superheroes to save the planet. SpiderMan summons The Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Captain America, and Storm from the XMen. Before he can explain, The Thing and The Human Torch attack him, but the others defend him. The Lizard then appears and attacks SpiderMan, but they knock him unconscious. They manage to agree to a team up and use the alien tech to reactivate the part of the Lizard s mind in which Dr. Conner s consciousness is; now in control of himself, Conners sides with Spidey s team.