Ririri and Apricot Delusion Tax Danced it and Bouto sm22692557
Uploaded: Jan 18, 2014 06:00 Ririri and ApricotDelusion Tax Danced itand BoutoRiriri and ApricotDelusion Tax Danced itand BoutoNicopedia Views: 1, 072, 539Comments: 47My Lists: 16, 554Ranking: Dancedit Past Category Standing: N, A (Best:1) Share 暴徒 Follow Watch this uploader s other videos Video Description ApuWe had to say things we ll like to become (Amuro Namie) RiririEh I thought we had to said things that we like BoutoIf you became fried chicken you could eat yourself RiririCool Bouapu Original song: DECO27sansm21764582 Choregraphy reference: Melochin Tiinsm22313406 Shooting and costumes: Apricot Edition: Apricot Bouto Ririri ririri5 Mylist: mylist, 20893695Community: co1325276 Apricot ayameapricot Mylist: mylist, 20193376Community: co423043 Bouto yukkuribouto Mylist: mylist, 17822543Community: co467