14 Signs of Emotional Abuse In Relationships
Emotional abuse can be defined as any abusive behavior that includes verbal aggression, intimidation, manipulation, and humiliation. There are obvious forms of emotional abuse, such as yelling, insulting, threats, direct orders, and publicly embarrassing you. It is easy to see when others are being emotionally abused, but it can be difficult to notice when you are in it. Especially when the abuse is indirect or subtle. Do you recognize some of these hidden signs of emotional abuse Also, we found this video on how music can help with anxiety, by Dr. Tracy, that you could check out: , emotionalabuse, relationship, psych2go Related Videos: 10 Signs of Emotional Abuse from Parents 10 Gaslighting Signs in an Abusive Relationship 10 Relationship Red Flags of Abuse Credits Writer: Michelle Gaston Script Editor: Isadora Ho Kelly S