6 Days Goodbye Poems Of Ophelia Day 1
List of poets and people that have been included in the original Poetry to the Ophelia project phases so far : Robert Simpson: Beat and Abuse Sandra Wheen: Damp Morning Ralf: Rumi poetry reading Julie Shackson: Ophelia Lies In Tragic Repose kim Morrissey: The person you are calling Knows You Are Waiting. and Just Dump Him Margret Atkinson, I m forever blowing bubbles(to be included) Nicky Heinen, flute playing Peter Murphy: Love Remains. Bithi Das: This is Your Mother Nicola Southin: As we Always Laughed Annouchka Bayley: Saoshyant Richard Niman: Does She Have Cold Feet and Nude Rashaan TomlinMclean: I am calm and floating in the air: age 7 Bria Lawrence: Fire and Water woman: age 9 Goodbye Ophelia: Skye, age 11