pov; youre sealed for 3 years and now you decide to take revenge once you unsealed jjk edition
timestamps; 0:00 intro 0:28 bloody mary xErCooL 1:33 fluxxwave sayferlin 2:19 sleepwalker JuliusAudios 2:59 who is she x vengeance 3:42 vengeance underratededitz. 4:10 00 00 4:48 dark beach 5:30 kerosene 6:05 memory reboot x after dark 6:50 7:23 aleph KRMA1 7:57 sonne slotslivecanliyayin 8:52 frozen 9:34 beast 10:16 diamondz and roses (im sorry if the text too late) 10:55 showtime vol. 2 (100nik remix) 11:33 my ordinary life x i got no time 12:13 alors on danse 12:53 moth to a flame x after hours 13:48 zoldyck x glock in my lap tags, anime, editaudio, editaudios, genshinimpact, playlist, jjk, audioedit, edit, audio, edits, audiosforedits, audioedits, audios, editaudio, editaudios, videostar, explorepage, editingaudios, audioediting, audia, audioforedit, badassaudios, editing, omgpage, music, editingaudio, videoedit, audioforedits, audiosforediting, videoedits, audir, audiosforedit, alightmotion, shipaudios, badassedit, anime