1 Hour of Face Palm Meme
This took forever to just get to the uploading page. BTW i might be doing a nintendo wii series in the future including these games: Mario Kart Wii, Guilty Party, Cars 2, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Galaxy 2, and many more. To do this series, i will need an adapter, a computer (at least windows 10, ) and a new wii controller. so plz stay tuned in 4 that. Also, this video is not set for kids because the video isnt saying, WeLl HeYa KiDs, its just a meme looped for one hour. not all of my vids are for kids so plz take note of that, youTube. Rubytoons Store: Check out the discord server: Rubytoons Store: Check out the discord server: Friends HC Clan: Kamanari HC, Zeppelin boi, The Official HC Clan YT Channel,