Joyner Lucas ft. Jelly Roll Best For Me Official Music Video ( Not Now Im Busy)
Stream Joyner Lucas now: Presave the album now: Shatterproof: Merch: Tully App: Tully App is a blueprint for the entrepreneur artist to successfully operate in today s music industry. You can Create, Manage, Distribute music in one app. Production Company: LMTLSS Media Director: Joyner Lucas Trevor Finney Executive Producer: Dhruv Joshi, Brendan Smith, Jake Diamond Producer: Brendan Smith DP: Michael Henaghan Editors: Joyner Lucas, Trevor Finney Colorist: Jared Rosenthal Engineer: Leo Son Production assistant: Kayle Olzer AD, Lead PA: Jake Diamond Steadicam: Larkin McLaughlin 1st A, C: Ben Ades 2nd A, C: Alex Cope DIT: Lane Fernandez Gaffer: Nate Airey Key Grip: Andrew Alfonsi Grip Nick Pietroniro Grip: Skylar Carr Makeup Artist: Bianca Bentley BTS: Andy Pollitt Brendon Barsnetti Artist Trailer rentals: Adventure coast Location Scout, Artist Relations: Chris Marty Martin Food Catering: Martins BBQ ( Nashville, TN ) , tullyapp, joynerlucas, notnowimbusy, bestforme