DRIVER ( PC) vs DRIVER San Francisco City Landmarks Real Life Locations Comparison
All the landmarks that are featured in both DRIVER 1 and DRIVER San Francisco are compared to their real counterpart in this video Landmarks timestamp: 00:00 Ferry Building Embarcadero (Piers Gates) 00:29 Sentinel Building (also known as Colombus Tower) 00:46 Palace of Fine Arts 01:06 Telegraph Hill (with the Coit Tower) 01:21 Golden Gate Bridge (as seen in the Driver Level Viewer) 01:33 Transamerica Pyramid 01:45 Union Square Dewey Monument w, parking garage (only in D1) 02:05 San Francisco City Hall 02:19 Grace Cathedral 02:32 Alcatraz Island 02:50 California Public Utilities Commission 03:04 Herbst Theater War Memorial Opera House 03:21 Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall 03:33 Dragon Gate 03:52 Chinatown Music San Francisco Day (Drive) Remaster by Allister Brimble San Francisco Day (Chase) Remaster by Allister Brimble br, br,