Easy English 3 Sheffield Part Two
1 more wilder is incorrect, it should be wilder. 2 bits and bobs is a phrase for lots of small things. In this case he is probably meaning that he has been going out to small events here and there, and but not really big nights out. 3 DIY means Do It Yourself. 4 rough in this case means aggressive. 5 day bird would be someone who prefers to do things in the day rather than in the evening or night. 6 wankers is an offensive term not very nice people (This comes from the slang verb to wank, which is to masturbate so a wanker would more literally be someone who masturbates, but the insult is not literatal in its usage. ) 7 it is common in English to call someone love, regardless of if you even know them, nevermind how much affection of have for them. Although it is more common for females to say when addressing both sexes, and males to say when addressi