Universal Integral Multi level Education in the Spirit of the New Age. 2024, day 1, 7, 7
In the current period, the Hierarchy of Human Reason expects from progressive individuals of the World the embodiment of the Unity Program, combining their experiences to create a Focus of power. This focus is intended to model and energise the Image of the Future World according to the Universal Laws of World Order. We are calling for spiritual and educational organisations and movements to unite during an initiated conference on the topic of UniversalIntegral Multi level This education can only be formed based on the achievements of the world cultures of the 12 civilisations of the Lotus of the World, representing the 5th Root Race. By drawing from the triune experience of family, lineage, and national development, the goal is to form Crystals of Experience that will serve as conduits for the Star Streams of the 12 meridians from the Sacred Zodiac. These streams, stimulating balanced development, when gathered together, are believed to be capable of giving rise to the embryo of a new humanity.