The Master Guide to Reconstructing Skin Tones, Photoshop Tutorial
Using a variety of advanced techniques, learn how to construct skin tones from scratch with Photoshop Utilizing the power of check layers, we will first learn how to match the skin color using a sample image. Then, with advanced curves and gradient maps, we will define the tone for every area and brightness level. Additionally, we will also learn to retouch the eyes, and dodge burn to remove the unwanted anomalies from the skin. I hope this tutorial helps you. Thank you so much for watching :) FREE TICKETS TO PHOTOSHOP VIRTUAL SUMMIT DOWNLOADS 1. Sample Images: 2. Finished PSD: (Only for our Patreon Family) VIDEO ON CHECK LAYERS: VIDEO ON DODGING AND BURNING: HELP US CREATE MORE FREE VIDEOS: Support us at Patreon: SHARE: LET S CONNECT: Facebook: Twitter: twitt