Winnipeggers: Episode 42 Sports
Cheers to Roxane Falk ,RyboRules at the other Kentucky Derby (aka the Tampa Bay Downs) The Corporation updates from Barry Boobs Special guest by special request Baron von Raschke Daves Rants: group text etiquette, stop with technology in cars (, LongLiveCassettes), F taxes and mornings And Chris has a few choice words for phone cords Okay, middle fingers in the air, and go Sports When your dad coaches when youre 6yearsold and youre not the star of the team Daves high school basketball days complete with a mullet , CrazyLegs Curling Pants Hockey star Rybo Best. Picture. Ever. ,IrvineHeart Warren Rumple Chris Jericho play water polo cause chicks dig water polo players (or maybe thats scars) And thanks to this weeks sponsors: Consumers Distributing Get the best prices on our okay selection Grab a mini pencil and a piece of paper and take care of business And and the DSP tshirt Another fine, highquality item worthy of gifting to that special someone in your life