I bought a HARDWARE CHEAT for CS: GO ( Worlds First )
This video took me a long time to make. I hope it helps some people understand what a hardware cheat is, and how dangerous the threat of them are to the esports industry. If you re looking to discuss this, or get in contact with the scene, creator, the discord for project EPO: Snapchat: SparklesYT Steam: Facebook: Twitch: Want to be featured in a clip (Only CRAZY footage) If so, click here to submit them : Giveaway plugin stuff: Chrome: Firefox: MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCna0UmhYIZ8lSpCWBp4KbGEoeroKj0HJf, XC8547q7qx4IAZpYv6ZePa8, lxFJaS0Ztju2L59sFRZtQ2DYZolMSL0v9hEevUedYNmOTu7YLFpEWunmKwLhjGGGqFSXm6EOrs+ukPtCv4mXTVBrI08kB474qNlH8m+zYSx8l+mJ1wIDAQAB