Ellesmere Wins Amateur Grand National (1950)
Full title reads: Cheltenham. Ellesmere Wins Amateur Grand National. Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Horse racing for the National Hunt Steeplechase Trophy. MV Towards crowd shot. SV Towards woman wearing feathered hat. SV Angle shot number board. SV Towards No 24 and 25 being led out. CU Race card pan up to woman. LV Elevated horses walking down course. CU Tictac man. CU Book maker. CU Bookie s board. GV Crowd. LV Start and pan. LV Towards and pan horses taking jump. CU race fan looking through binoculars. LV Elevated horses coming up and taking jump. One horse falls. CU fan looking through binoculars. LV Elevated horse coming up to jump. They clear. LV Towards and pan horses taking jump. CU Horses clear water jump. LV Horses clearing Jump. Two fall. MV horses take another jump. CU Woman looking through glasses. LV Towards horses approaching jump. First horse No 3. over, followed by Tiberdon. Rest of field follow. One falls. SV People looking on from stand. LV Pan winner, Ellesmere, well ahead of f