Whos Responsible For This , Mr. Robot
Elliot shuts the backdoor into E Corp, but Dark Army agents force them to leave. Irving shakes their FBI tail and Elliot thinks he has called off Stage 2. Elliot sits In the Red Wheelbarrow contemplating the consequences of his actions. Season 3 Episode 1 Zhang intends for Elliot to die once his work for the Dark Army is complete. In a panic that Elliot might die, Tyrell calls used car salesman and Dark Army agent Irving. Elliot wakes up a week later in a room with Angela. He finds the firmware hack building empty. Darlene shows up and pumps him for information, but he lies and says Tyrell was never involved. With the power still out, she takes him to an underground hacker tournament with fiber connections. Thinking his revolution made things worse, he asks Angela for a job at E Corp to fix things. That night, Mr. Robot emerges and Angela takes him to work with Irving and Tyrell, creating another way to advance Stage 2. Angela plans to manipulate Elliot along like Mr. Robot does,