Goats Milk Fruit a Yunnan fruit that 90 of people have never tried
Click cc on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. Goat s Milk Fruit is known as the king of wild fruits in Yunnan. Its shape resembles goat s milk, hence the straightforward name Goat s Milk The small, oval fruit turns bright red when fully ripe and has a sour and astringent taste. But since it grows in Yunnan, Yunnan people have found various ways to turn it into delicious dishes Hello, everyone I am Dianxi Xiaoge, a Yunnan native. If you enjoy my videos, please keep subscribing to my channel. I ll continue to share my life and Yunnanstyled food in my uploads. Wish you have a happy life and enjoy tasty food every day YouTube滇西小哥 Dianxi Facebook滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge TikTokdianxixiaogeoffical , 滇西小哥, cooking, asiancookingvideos, DianxiXiaoge, ĐiềnTâyTiểuCa, 美食, 云南, dianxixiaogecooking