5 After Effects Compositing Tricks you did not know about
Green Screen in After Effects Before and After Compositing tips and tricks hidden features ACTION VFX You will find blood assets as well as many different vfx elements here. Mocha Pro SUPER HERO ASSETS GET 50 OFF ENVATO ELEMENTS Compositing Tips and Tricks In this new tutorial by flomotion you will learn how to ride on animals, dragons and monsters with the help of a greenscreen, keying and tracking. I will show you 5 compositing tricks in after effects that you did not know yet. Keying, Looping, practical effects and sets, lightwrap, rim light and point motion tracking. I will also announce the winner of the last Ironman CG helmet tutorial. Both of them will one a license for Keen Tools Geo Tracker, GeoTracker from Keentools , greenscreen, aftereffects, makingof, beforeandafter