The Essence of Terrible Parenting, Stephanie Davies Arai, EP 316
Dr Jordan B Peterson and Stephanie DaviesArai discuss parenting and the pitfalls of compassion when linked to trans ideology. Stephanie DaviesArai is the founder and director of Transgender Trend, the leading UK organization calling for evidencebased healthcare for gender dysphoric children and young people and factbased teaching in schools. She is the author of Communicating with Kids with a background in teacher training and parent support. She was shortlisted for the John Maddox Prize 2018 for the schools guide Supporting gender diverse and transidentified students in schools. In 2020 Stephanie was an intervener in the High Court in support of Keira Bell and Mrs A, who brought a landmark case against the Tavistock Gender Identity Development Service in a claim that under18s are not old enough to consent to treatment with puberty blockers and crosssex hormones. In 2022 Stephanie was awarded the British Empire Medal as founder of Transgender Trend for services to children in the Queens Jubile