Nathan, Haley, i understand, if you dont love me anymore
HD; 720p FOR THE BEST QUALITY. Cherry Tree; Hate in my heart, love in my mind Group A: LoveFearRegret Judges Notes: So I actually thought I wouldn t make the deadline, but I managed to make some time this week and work on my entry. I decided to go for the naley storyline in season 2. I started off the video with Nathan telling Haley how he could love her forever, and them getting married and being in love. After a while Chris came in the picture and there starts Nathan s fear of loosing Haley, as you could see from the voice overs i chose, they prove how scared he was of loosing her. Haley eventually left with Chris to go on tour and Nathan was devastated, and still scared, scared she wouldn t come back. When Haley eventually decides to come back to him, after Nathan having the accident, we start to see her regret. How sorry she was for leaving, and Nathan telling her he still loves her, but he just couldn t trust her. 0:000:28 Love 0:291:56 Fear br, br,