4 ways to make Fist, Japanese Karate Grand Master 10th Dan
Japanese Karate Grand Master 66 years old, Free weight Kumite State Champion in the U. S. in 1980, All Japan Kata Champion in 1991, Shitoryu World Kata Champion in France in 2005 teaches how to make fist in 4 different ways. Masataka Ohshita Shitoryu Shukokai Ositaha Karatedo : Soke President, Hanshi International ShitoRyu Karatedo Union (ISKU) : Soke and Head of the Technical Director, Hanshi Shitoryu Shukokai Karatedo World Union (SSWU) : Soke and Head of Technical Director, Hanshi Karatedo ShitoRyu Kenseikan : Hanshi ShitoRyu Karatedo Seishinkan : 9. Dan World Karate Federation : 8. Dan Austria Karate Federation : 8. Dan Japan Karate Federation (JKF) : Kyoshi 7. Dan Iaido Musō Jikiden Eishinryū Suireikan: Hanshi 8. Dan All Japan Kendo Federation : 3. Dan Nippon Kenpo : 3. Dan Judo : 2. Dan Japanese Calligraphy : 7. Danpen name Suiho JASA Coach IV (Japan Sports