Our BIGGEST resin pour yet all to preserve a pumpkin
We break all the resin rules to try preserving a carved pumpkin in resin by pouring 4. 5 gallons at once . Thanks to our sponsor Squarespace, go to for 10 off your first purchase. Check out the tools we used below Other sponsors: TotalBoat: check out the resin we use: (sponsored affiliate link) (search for Thickset Fathom) Want behindthescenes content Check out the Aftershow for: What s already wrong with Chunk 2 What our friends and family thought about Chunk 1 How we almost incorporated Orbeez Why we chose to attempt the cube again What method we almost went with Our agony and indecision on whether to remake Chunk and try for Chunk 2 All the testing we did on the mold that didnt make it into the video (aluminum cube, glass + silicone cube, thermal tests) Panic about Chunk 2 floating and his corners pulling away Lessons le