Rare FRIJID PINK Sing A Song For Freedom Live at The Upbeat Show
FRIJID PINK is a Detroit area blues rock band formed in 1967, best known for their version of House of the Rising Sun released in 1969. The initial lineup of the band included drummer Richard Stevers, guitarist Gary Ray Thompson, bassist Tom Harris, lead singer Tom Beaudry (aka Kelly This is a very rare and exclusive recording of FRIJID PINK. .. You write this in Youtube will not find. .. Even YouTube administration and its technical capabilities could not identify a group of Detroit and presented their composition as The Climax Blues Band Everyday with the copyright holder SME. .. Known as The Climax Blues Band (originally Climax Chicago Blues Band ) British band from Stafford and, of course, nothing to FRIJID PINK has no. .. Nevertheless, in some countries and social networks, this video may be blocked. .. and it s not my fault, but the technical backwardness of the administration. .. Sorry. ..