Narsimhi Jaap Mantra 108 Repetitions ( Ashta Matrika Series )
Please consider supporting my work through Patreon here: Goddess Narsimhi , Simheem Simhamukhim Sakheem Bhagawat Sri Bhairavasyolatha, ,, Shoola Sthula Kapaal Paash Damaru Yayograhastaam Bhujaa, ,, Damshtrakoti Vishankatakshaya Guharaam Aaraktanetratrayeem, ,, Bhaalendu Dyuti Moullikaam Bhagawati Pratyangira Bhaavaye, , Lioness Lionfaced women you are very friendly with Sri Bhairav. You hold a Shoola you are huge and healthy, you hold kapaal paash and Damaru inn your fierce hands. You have thousand sharp teeth and fangs and. From your three Reddish bright eyes you give an intense poisonous gaze over the people who are against your devotee. You have a Mouli eg. Jata on your head on which you have been adorned by a crescent of the moon To Such Goddess Pratyangira I bow. Narasimhi or Narasimhini or Narasimhika with the face of a lion, fierce claws and four arms is the shakthi of Narasimha. She is said to have came out from the heart of the Devi. As Matrka, N