Druids, Merlin, Shamans, and prohibited knowledge destroyed by the Cabal Athena Swaruu
This video is important and full of knowledge of all kind. Included: Merlin Historical context Destruction of the Druids and Bards and the connection with the burning of the Library of Alexandria, Reset of the society by the Cabal Who are the Druids Navajo Shamans World of the Spirits Thank you Daniel James for providing the voice of Robert: Our website with transcripts and forums: ALL THE VIDEOS FROM THE BEGINNING (Playlist): COSMIC AGENCY UNCENSORED ON ODYSEE: SECOND COSMIC AGENCY CHANNEL (Back Up): TO SUPPORT COSMIC AGENCY WORK: Thank you :) COSMIC AGENCY WORLD CRISIS SUPPORT CENTER group: Telegram: t. me, cosmicagencymainsupportcenter PETITIONS channel ONLY: Telegram: t. me, joinchat, ZFBEmUggUwNWNk FB: FREE CHAT group: Telegram: t. me, joinchat, GTh62B4IRy43ODU0 Spanish Channel Agencia Cosmica: Roberts Channel Despejando Enigmas (one of): Music: Kevin MacLeod: Always Music: Music: Sirius Beat Nobility Link: