More Goju Ryu Basics ( Twenty Strikes, Blocks and Punches)
We have even more Goju Ryu basics to share with you For white belts and up, and of interest to instructors as well, we cover strikes, open and closed hand blocks, and more interesting punches. Please consider subscribing if you like our work New videos every Friday at 2pm CAT. Chapters: 00:00 Intro to Goju Ryu basic strikes 01:45 Open hand blocks 02:17 Ko uke (wrist strike) 03:40 Chudan level open hand blocks (including hike uke and kake uke) 04:20 Gedan level open hand blocks 04:50 Doublehanded open and closed strikes (Saifa, Seiyunchin, Shisochin) 05:42 Kazame zuki and uraken 07:09 Nukite 08:56 Shotei (palm strike) 09:36 Double punches 10:43 Elbow strikes (empi, hiji) 12:33 Heito 14:57 Sword hand (shuto) 15:28 Hammer fist (tetsui) We re a TubeBuddy affiliate We love Tubebuddy for helping us run our channel try them out using our link: Like the equipment we use Buy it here (and we get a little commission ) Boya Lav Mi