fiddlers green rocky road to dublin (live)
Live performance from their latest DVD Folk s Not Dead Lyrics: In the merry month of June, from me home I started Left the girls of Tuam nearly broken hearted Saluted father dear, kissed my darling mother Drank a pint of beer, me grief and tears to smother Then, off to reap the corn and leave where I was born I cut a stout blackthorn to banish ghost and goblin In a brand new pair of brogues, rattling o er the bogs And frightening all the dogs upon the rocky road to Dublin One, two, three, four, five: Hunt the hare and turn her Down the rocky reed and all the way to Dab. Wackfollallela In Mulligar that night I rested limbs so weary Started by daylight next morning bright and early Took a drop of the pure, to keep my heart from sinking That s the Paddy s cure, whene er br, br,