Bellydance Solos From Various Arab Sat. TV Shows
When I was first learning to play Middle Eastern Percussion, it was quite difficult to actually see anyone playing music from this region in the UK. This was before YouTube and the internet and shows and performances were few and far between. I began to find various players from different regions of the Middle East in the UK to learn more about the music and culture. One of these players was John Sleiman originally from Lebanon. He gave me various music performances from various Arab Sat. TV shows, which gave me a great insight into actually seeing the music I was learning, being performed in context. I spent many hours playing along to these tapes and watching how the percussionists performed in various musical contexts. Later I was able to travel through many of these countries and learn from musicians there. Now you can find almost any example of music on YouTube and it s all so much easier today than it used to be. Now I m clearing out all my old VHS collection and digi