Goran Krivokapić plays Maria Carolina by Lauro at 2022 Antwerpen Gitaar Festival x Siccas Guitars
FULL CONCERT PREMIERE on Saturday 18, 03, 2023: We are delighted to present the EXCLUSIVE performance of Antonio Lauros Maria Carolina by Goran KRIVOKAPIĆ during the 2022 Antwerpen Gitaarfestival. Enjoy this wonderful rendition and check out the full concert on Siccas Guitars YouTube channel: The Antwerpen Gitaarfestival is one of the finest Classical Guitar festivals in the world. Organized by Jan Depreter, it hosts the finest concerts, two competitions, masterclasses, and a highly successful luthier expo. AGF2022 featured the worldclass talents of Xuefei Yang, Artyom Dervoed, Zoran Dukić, Jan Depreter, Goran Krivokapić, Anabel Montesinos, Vladislav Blaha, Luciano Pompilio and Julia Trintschuk in 2022. Goran Krivokapić plays a cedar Andrés Marvi guitar and Savarez strings. , classical, classicalguitar, guitar, bach, guitarmusic, guitare, guitareclassique, gorankrivokapic, tarrega, albeniz, antwerpen,