Resident Evil 3 DARK INFECTION PUBLIC Playstation Mod
It s been almost 3 months since my last job, and almost a year since my last public mod of Resident Evil 3. But the wait has been worth it, I present my latest public mod: Resident Evil 3 Dark Infection and these are just some features that you can enjoy on this mod, most of them exclusive from psx and that no one has never reach to do before on this plataform ( and some features i don t even seen on pc ) CHANGES, MODIFICATIONS + Randomized weapons and ammo + Randomized enemies + New routes + Hidden rooms + More 3D interactive objects + More enemies + Less red herbs + New documents + New weapon types + New weapon models + New damage effects in some weapons + New combinations + New enemies skins + New nemesis drops + New passwords + New item effects + New 3D models + 5 New costumes + New messages in some rooms + Runner Zombies in some rooms + Timers in some rooms + Enemies in rooms where there wasn t before + Respawning certain enemies + Respawning certain explosive barrels + New inventory s