Montante Sparring Test
Testing Godinho s Monante Rule, 4. Tajos and Reveses to the legs, while turning the montante above oneself to guard attacks in response. First test of a Rawlings Longsword modification, bringing it into the size of a montante. The weight is too low. The balance is wrong. However, that is a necessary sacrifice to be able to fence with it at speed. It is important to mention that each participant here had a discussion on levels of force both BEFORE and AFTER the sparring tests. This was absolutely vital to this. I mostly stick to Godinho Rule, 4, but mix in other montante rules from the Barbaran, Anonymous text, Viedma and a little Figuereydo. The purpose of this was not necessarily to win each exchange, but to test the interpetation and execution of the monante rule. Often, I was too aggressive and did NOT win many of the exchanges. General lessons learned: Be more defensive. Use more varied footwork. Target all of the leg, not just the shin. Incorporate more varied montante rules in order to