ENG SUB Tomori Kusunoki talks about getting the role of Makima in Chainsaw Man
I m risking a copyright strike here. Watch while you can. Anyhow I don t know if it means anything for me to say it, since I have a very biased opinion, I think people should wait a bit more before judging any of the voices. They say like one or two lines during the preview. The choice for the voice isn t up to one person, they said during the Crunchyroll panel for Chainsaw Man that there was a lot of people auditioning for the roles. A lot of the veteran seiyuus that people wanted to be casted as well auditioned on top of all the newer seiyuus. They don t just cast the first person that auditions. The director, sound director, and multiple sources say that Fujimotosensei was involved in casting as well. So rest assured they aren t doing this lightly. Even after getting casted they get directed by the director on what to sound like too. Sometimes the voice used during audition could be vastly different from what the voice quality ends up being in the final work. Al