JB Our fans mean a lot to HD
I believe that the favor will be Recently, I ve read a lot of things people have been posting asking whether or not the Jonas Brothers are still producing music, what they ve been doing, etc. There has also been a lot of hateful things being said about them mostly from converted fans (aka people who were once fans of jb, but no longer are). I made this video to let people, those converted fans in particular, know that Nick, Kevin, and Joe care about us. Just because they haven t produced music in a while doesn t mean they stopped caring. It also doesn t mean that we should stop caring about them. Remind yourselves why you fell in love with them in the first place. Maybe together we can return the favor. If you could help spread this video to get the message out, it d mean the world to me. You can tweet it to nickjonas joejonas kevinjonas JonasBrothers PapaJonas, or DeniseJonas or share it on youtube. If you sha