Castlevania 3 Fan Remake Resurrected From The Dead
A fan remake of Castlevania 3: Dracula s Curse was worked on for around 10 years before being abandoned. Thankfully, a talented programmer recently brought the project back to life, removed some glitches, and made it playable. Version is now available for download. Castlevania 3 Fan Remake Download Location (Look in the Video Description): (Formerly Super Castlevania 3) Castlevania HD Pack for the Mesen Emulator: Prime 2D Fangame: Credits for the Castlevania 3 Remake Project: Coder, Leader, Founder: Obreck2 Assistant Coders:Lord Cyber, Retro Artist, Crimson Curse, APC, Laslund Consultants: Mew, Del, Las, Reiko, Shodian, Lord Cyber, Retro Artist YouTube Previews provided by: Judgespear, Ultimate Gamer FMOD Music Driver by: Firelight Technologiesâ SXMS Music Driver by: Shaltif Custom Tilesets provided by: Thaddeus Title Music Remix by: Russell Cox